Enhance Your Water Supply with Water Heater Repair and Purification

We’re independently ranked in the top 1% of over 300,000 licensed contractors, making us the trusted source for water heater repair and water purification services.

Water Heater Repair and Replacement

Hot water is essential to everyday life, making issues with your water heater a top priority to fix. Whether it is a tankless hot water heater or a traditional tank water heater, our technicians can help you determine whether your hot water heater needs replacement or if it can be repaired.

  • We can help determine whether there is a warranty left on your existing water heater.

  • We’ll educate you on the difference between traditional tank water heaters and tankless water heaters.

  • Our team will work with you to find the solution that fits your budget and needs.

Someone using a wrench on a water heater

We Install Only the Highest-Quality Water Heaters

A logo for Noritz
A logo for Bradford White

Water Purification Services

The reality is, it’s likely that your water has contaminants—but that’s where we come in. With ePIPE® and our water filtration systems, we can remove or reduce suspended solids, contaminants, bad tastes, and odors for clean, drinkable water from any tap in your home or building.

  • Our technicians will walk you through the best options that your property requires.

  • We use only the best water filtration systems available on the market.

  • Keep your fixtures clean, appliances running, and your water healthy.

Someone filling a glass with water from a faucet

Partnered with the Best in Water Purification Systems

A logo for Halo water systems
A logo for Falsken Water Systems

Committed to Clean Water Solutions

Residential Financing

We Believe Clean, Hot Water Should be Affordable

Everyone deserves access to clean and hot water. To make our solutions and services more affordable for residential customers, we offer flexible residential financing options.

A homeowner and technician shaking hands

Service Areas

Water Heaters and Purification Services Near You

Our water heaters and purification services are available within a 50-mile radius of our Southern California office, located at 2926 W. Pendleton Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92704.

A truck and mobile generator outside a residential building

Need Water Heater Repairs or Water Purification Services?

Count on the ePIPE team for fast, effective service, no matter the plumbing problem at hand.